“The Light I Leave”

Lily is obsessed with Mary Poppins these days.  This means we all get treated to various performances of those famous songs:  “Spoonful of Sugar,”  “Jolly Holiday,”  “Chim Chim Cheree,”  “Supercalif — ” … well, you get it.  In fact, she’s watched the movie so many times now, that we’re starting to hear renditions of the lesser-known tunes.  With that, I present you with the original version of “The Life I Lead”:

And  here’s Lily’s version (complete with subtitles):


Filed under family, lily, lily-isms

4 responses to ““The Light I Leave”

  1. DonB

    Lily is the greatest kid ever!!!! Pop

  2. I’m SO happy to hear that Lil loves MY favorite Disney movie ever (maybe my favorite movie. period.) Her rendition of the song is ;splendid’ — King England’s on the froad and all is well!

  3. Betsy

    NEVER EVER UNDERESTIMATE THIS GIRL!!!!!! She is destined to do GREAT THINGS!!!!!!!! A DYNAMITE video… to say the least!

  4. Jen Karras

    I LOVE THIS!!! You are such a lucky mom to have round the clock entertainment! I might just save this to my desktop to insure a smile at least once a day!!!

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